Opera Don Giovanni van W.A. MOZART

Opera “Don Giovanni” van W.A. MOZART met pianobegeleiding.

2,5 uur opera met pauze, verzekerd door een internationale cast van kwaliteit in 2 moderne culturele centra in Vlaanderen in de buurt van Brussel, België:

15 december 2019 om 15:00 uur – CC DE FACTORIJ, Zaventem

20 december 2019 om 20:30 – CC WESTRAND, Dilbeek

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Concert of the laureates in Musica Mundi School

Concert laureates Triomphe de l'Art

Concert of the laureates of the International Music Competition Triomphe de l’Art in disciplines String Instruments, Piano, Opera in the Musica Mundi School in Waterloo, Belgium.

You are very welcome to the concert on 30th of November at 19:00 in the Bach Concert Hall of the Musica Mundi School by address Rue de la Croix 21a, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium

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