Concert de gala de la masterclasse de chant de Marina Prudenskaya

Concert de gala des participants de la Masterclasse internationale de chant ( opèra et lied ) Triomphe de l’Art avec Marina Prudenskaya

gala concert Prudenskaya

We are happy to invite you to the gala concert of the participants of the International Vocal Masterclass ( opera and lied ) Triomphe de l’Art with Marina Prudenskaya. The masterclass is given by the world famous mezzo-soprano Marina Prudenskaya leading mezzo-soprano of Staatsoper Berlin. Young and talented students of Marina will present colorful and interesting program to the public in the hall of the Russian Cultural Center in Brussels, Belgium.
Participants of the concert:

Karina Kambulova (mezzo soprano), Russia
Annemarie Vergoossen (mezzo soprano), Netherlands
Siv Misund (mezzo soprano), Norway
Katarina Porubanova (mezzo soprano), Slovakia
Su Rongna (mezzo soprano), China
Anna Quadratova (mezzo soprano), Czech Republic
Luzia Tietze (mezzo soprano), Germany
Emira Dakhlia (mezzo soprano), Russia / Tunisia
Bas Van Damme (countertenor), Belgium

Piano accompaniment: Noemi Biro

Do not miss this unique concert in Brussels on 16th of January 2020 at 19:00! We are looking forward to see you at the concert!

Where: Concert Hall of the Cultural and scientific center of Russia in Brussels, Belgium
Address: Rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles
Date and time: 16 January 2020 at 19:00
Prices: free entrance, registration online is needed here

Booking and information: +3222190133, +32479136554.

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